Lugert, Oklahoma
Lugert, Oklahoma
Bird Eye View of Lugert, OK 1908
Lugert, Oklahoma
Austrian Immigrant, Frank Lugert (1868~1958)
Founded the town of Lugert when the Kiowa~Comanche~Apache Reservation opened for settlement in 1901. Mr. Lugert ran the Post Office, train depot, and the general store. The town with a peak population of over 400, thrived until 1912 when a tornado destroyed a significant number of homes and business. The town continued to exist until 1941 when the W.C. Austin Dam was completed for the Lugert~Altus Irrigation District and water soon covered the townsite.
The town of Lugert was located 1 1/4 miles southeast of this point. 5~06
Lugert, Oklahoma
Austrian Immigrant, Frank Lugert (1868~1958)
Founded the town of Lugert when the Kiowa~Comanche~Apache Reservation opened for settlement in 1901. Mr. Lugert ran the Post Office, train depot, and the general store. The town with a peak population of over 400, thrived until 1912 when a tornado destroyed a significant number of homes and business. The town continued to exist until 1941 when the W.C. Austin Dam was completed for the Lugert~Altus Irrigation District and water soon covered the townsite.
The town of Lugert was located 1 1/4 miles southeast of this point. 5~06
Marker located inside Quartz Mountain State Park on road to Quartz Mountain Lodge. At the Grocery Store turn left to main boat ramp turn right go to the end of parking lot. 2 Markers are located on the edge of Lake. Quartz Mountain State Park is located at intersection of U.S. 238/Highway 6 and Highway 44. North of Altus, Oklahoma.
- 34.89340, -99.29600
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